A tool you need in your back pocket

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Today’s press release title is over half a kilometre of 2.5 grams per tonne of Gold. And this is not just a one-off. The photo above shows the past results with black titles, whereas today’s is in red.


  • Hole V-23-061 returned 519.6 m averaging 2.46 g/t Au, including 3.60 g/t Au over 265.6 m from surface, the strongest near-surface mineralization (upper 250 vertical metres) encountered to date on the Rogue Project's Valley target

  • Hole V-23-059 and V-23-060 demonstrate strong continuity and breadth in the southeastern part of the Valley system, returning 429.6 m averaging 1.01 g/t Au from surface (including 1.91 g/t Au over 133.0 m) and 109.5 m averaging 1.02 g/t Au respectively.

  • Analytical results pending for 5,475 m from 16 holes (including one metallurgical hole at Valley) across 3 targets in addition to results of extensive surface exploration campaign.

Snowline is truly the reason why we are all here speculating in these junior mining stocks. It's an absolutely amazing deposit, with grade, length, shallow depth, and continuity, all within the safe jurisdiction of Canada.

We woke up to this news and just had to add it to today’s article. Let’s check out some more drill results from yesterday.

Benton Resources released another banger yesterday from their Great Burnt Copper Project.

It was nice to hear Stephen provide some further context as the story continues to unravel. We won’t steal Allan’s thunder and we always give credit when it is due.

Nice update and go subscribe to Rocks And Stocks News if you are not a subscriber yet. But if you’re not invested in this story and too busy for a 28-minute video and want the gist of it, continue reading on.

This is the Great Burnt Copper Deposit Generalized Long Section and we encourage you to click the enlarged image link in the press release. But a lot is going on here, so we will give you a quick rundown of what we are seeing.

Purple is yesterday’s highlighted hole.

Blue is the previous 2023 released holes.

All the holes have hit copper, but the blue and purple ones circled above consist of some of the highest grades and lengths released by $BEX.

The guys continued to discuss the continuity in the interview and the potential significance of hole 12 (GB-23-12, circled in orange). This is the same hole we highlighted in a previous article, expressing our anticipation for the results.

There is some distance between yesterday’s highlighted hole, GB-23-07, and hole 12. Hole 12 being one of the deepest holes in the program and showing some of the larger intercepts of semi-massive and massive sulphides from the drill program makes us curious to see what the assays turn up.

It's important to note that Stephen mentioned the cost per metre is approximately C$200. This cost is notably economical, especially when considering Canadian exploration.

Wingman does have a position in $BEX and is pleased to see the company continue to have very fast assay turnaround times, and the results so far are promising.

To view Wingman’s portfolio and see what he is buying or selling, make sure to subscribe if you haven’t already.

There were a couple of other drill results yesterday. Brunswick Exploration with lithium results, Emperor Metals with some gold results, and Silver Storm with some silver equivalent results.


  • Bonanza grades of 2.57% over 25.8 meters in drill hole MR-23-02, including 14.2 meters at 3.08%Li2O at a vertical depth of 28 meters from Dyke MR-1 in the North Zone.

  • Thick intercept of 50.6 m at 1.06% Li2O in drill hole MR-23-07 from Dyke MR-3 in the Central Zone at a shallow vertical depth of 22 meters.

  • Another bonanza intercept in drill hole MR-23-14: 16.2 m at 2.75% Li2O including 9.5 meters at 3.30% Li2O at a vertical depth of 40 meters in Dyke MR-4 from the South Zone.

  • To date, spodumene-bearing pegmatite dykes have been traced by drilling over a combined strike extent of at least 1,500 meters and remain open in all directions.

  • Only 60% of the pegmatite outcrops have been drilled, presenting further drill targets which will be tested in winter 2024.

  • Assays are pending for a further 23 drill holes completed during the fall 2023 program.


  • DQ23-09 intersects 13.2 metres (m) of 3.8 grams per tonne (g/t) gold (Au), including 5.6 m of 7.5 g/t Au in DQ23-09

  • Drilling confirms Phase 1 open-pit potential

  • DQ23-09; 5.6 m of 7.5 g/t Au exceeds the average grade of the deposit

  • DQ23-06 intersected 5.2 meters of 2.1 g/t Au (including 1.2 m of 6.1 g/t Au)

  • DQ23-06 expands mineralization down plunge over ½ kilometer from any known drill holes, implies additional inferred ounce potential


  • Hole Q-23-010 intersected the C1524 Zone returning 650 g/t Ag.Eq1 over 7.14 metres ("m") and 607 g/t Ag.Eq over 4.36 m, including 1,251 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.51 m, all within a broader interval grading 500 g/t Ag.Eq over 14.8 m.

  • This intercept is located approximately 37 m below the last mine development in this area, with similar high-grade mineralization:

    • 1808 EL composited historic channel samples graded 329 g/t Ag.Eq over a strike length of 36 m and width of 1.13 m.

    • 1822 EL composited historic channel samples graded 258 g/t Ag.Eq over a strike length of 28 m and width of 1.51 m.

  • Hole Q-23-011 intersected the C1524B Zone returning 802 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.11 m.

  • Holes Q-23-012 & Q-23-009 intersected the C1524 Zone returning 281 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.45 m & 126 g/t Ag.Eq over 1.00 m respectively.

  • Hole Q-23-008 intersected the Norte-Sur zone of breccia & replacement mineralization returning 506 g/t Ag.Eq over 0.68 m, 30 m up-dip from hole Q-23-007, which returned 324 g/t Ag.Eq over 8.72 m.

$SVRS released assay results with a highlighted hole of 500 g/t silver equivalent over 14.8 metres.

But what does that mean?

It would help if you used Mining Catalyst’s AuEq Calculator for a fast way to determine what drill holes are composed of. Silver equivalent is common, with zinc and lead being large components. In the case of $SVRS’s highlighted hole, we are looking at about 49% silver, 31% lead, and 17% zinc.

It also provides, as the name implies, the results in gold equivalent as well.

A great tool to keep in your back pocket.


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